Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Just a rant...

I feel like a nothing, like I'm not good for anything, or AT anything. I have no stinkin talent, I can't even sew a simple snap on a stupid shirt. I should be so excited and happy about this precious life that's growing inside of me but I just feel fat and depressed, what's wrong with me anyway?!


Lacee said...

You're great at being a good friend and listener. You're also a very good mother. :) Have you found out what you're having?

Edna said...

Stacy, we all have days like that ... there is nothing wrong with you. Sometimes pregnancy brings out the nerves in mama's ... and it is very easy to think we are the "worst" with the "worst" feelings. If you are feeling more depression than you feel you can handle why don't you talk to your Bishop about getting some counseling. What does your doctor say? There are so many things to worry about now days. So many people are struggling financially. Lynn and I had our turns of wondering how we'd make it from month to month with a house full of hungry mouths to feed and it is very difficult. Just know there are a lot of people who love you because you are the person you are. You are caring, loving, fun, spontaneous, funny, sweet, nurturing, spiritual, did I mention fun! I will remember you in my prayers. Call your name into the temple too and get a blessing. I had times in my life when I had to ask for a blessing very, very often to get me through. I love you, Stacy. You are a GOOD person!
Aunt Edna

Mary said...

I'm sorry you have felt that way! *hugs* You have great worth.